Food|Furniture & home accessories|Paper & office supplies|Toys|Clothes & accessories|Beauty products |Sanitary products|Cleaning products|Tourism
Grains, cereals|Dairy products|Fruits, vegetables|Preserved products|Nuts, dry fruits|Pulses|Meat substitutes|Dairy substitutes|Beverages|Oils, vinegars|Prepared meals|Condiments|Sugar, honey|Coffee, tea|Bread|Sweets|Alcohols|Other
Serotonina - wrocławskie sery rzemieślnicze
General score:
6 / 7
Social responsibility
5 / 7
Score table
1.5 / 2
Processing methods
2 / 2
Environmental management
0.5 / 1
1 / 1
Carbon footprint
1 / 1
Labour standards
4 / 4
Social economy
0 / 2
1 / 1
Serotonina is a local and artisanal cheese shop located in the heart of Wroclaw. Founded by married couple Paulina and Andrzej Sawicki. The entire team consists of 4 people who take care of the smallest detail related to the production and sale of cheese. The milk that is used to make the cheeses comes from a farm that is under the supervision of the State Veterinary Inspectorate. Cheese additives, such as herb blends, do not contain flavor enhancers or other artificial additives, and do not even contain salt. As for oils, cold-pressed, unrefined ones are used. Fruit batches, on the other hand, have no fixatives or any chemical additives in their composition. All products are made by the owner Andrew. Some of the cheeses are packaged in vacuum bags (for some types this is a must). Yogurts, or buttermilk, are sold in glass packages. Cottage cheeses are packed in PLA packaging. They look like plastic, but they are not. The packages are created from cornmeal. By throwing them into the container for mixed waste, there will be no trace left of them in the decomposition process. And on the spot, at the stationary store, all products are package into paper packaging.
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Where to buy?
Online shopping
Stationary shops
Sklepik Serotonina
ul. Słubicka 20C
53-615 Wrocław
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