Food|Furniture & home accessories|Paper & office supplies|Toys|Clothes & accessories|Beauty products |Sanitary products|Cleaning products|Tourism
Shirts, T-shirts, blouses|Trousers, dresses, skirts|Outerwear|Sportswear|Underwear|Footwear|Bags|Jewellery|Babies and Children|Other
The brand is owned by:
Alessandra Wieser
General score:
6.5 / 7
Social responsibility
3.5 / 7
Score table
2 / 2
Processing methods
2 / 2
Environmental management
1 / 1
1 / 1
Carbon footprint
0.5 / 1
Labour standards
3 / 4
Social economy
0 / 2
0.5 / 1
Sunies is an Austrian brand of sandals made of natural materials such as bamboo and coconut. In some models, sugar cane constitutes the majority of the composition. Sandals, in addition to being very comfortable, innovative and practical, are also 100% recyclable (after recycling, granules are made, which are used to produce new Sunies models). When the life of the shoe comes to an end, the customer can send his pair to the company's headquarters, then he will receive a discount for the next pair. The sandals are 100% vegan!
Where to buy?
Online shopping
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