Food|Furniture & home accessories|Paper & office supplies|Toys|Clothes & accessories|Beauty products |Sanitary products|Cleaning products|Tourism
The brand is owned by:
FAIRPANTS Kacper Fąkowicz
General score:
6.5 / 7
Social responsibility
6.5 / 7
Score table
2 / 2
Processing methods
2 / 2
Environmental management
1 / 1
1 / 1
Carbon footprint
0.5 / 1
Labour standards
4 / 4
Social economy
2 / 2
0.5 / 1
Fairpants is the first manufacturer of Fairtrade organic cotton and GOTS-certified underwear and lightweight clothing. The range includes underwear for women and men, as well as lightweight clothing such as shorts and T-shirts. Fairpants has also released a limited and unique collection of upcycled bras and shorts. They use high-quality fabrics sourced from local tailoring workshops. Most commonly, these are scraps of high-quality certified organic cotton. All Fairpants products are created in a sewing room in Linia, Poland by its owner. Products are sold in paper packaging.
Fot. Fairpants
Where to buy?
Online shopping
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