Food|Furniture & home accessories|Paper & office supplies|Toys|Clothes & accessories|Beauty products |Sanitary products|Cleaning products|Tourism
The brand is owned by:
Nike, Inc.
General score:
4 / 7
Social responsibility
3.5 / 7
Score table
1 / 2
Processing methods
1 / 2
Environmental management
0.5 / 1
1 / 1
Carbon footprint
0.5 / 1
Labour standards
2 / 4
Social economy
0.5 / 2
1 / 1
Nike is a world-renowned manufacturer of footwear, sportswear and everyday clothing. Nike offers a line of products made of more responsible raw materials, such as vegan leather, recycled materials, etc. In 2021, recycled polyester accounted for 38% of all polyester used by the company, organic cotton about 12%, and recycled cotton less than 1% of total cotton. The leather used in Nike products is certified by the Leather Working Group. Clothes from the "Nike Forward" series are made of a fabric that generates a 75% lower water footprint than traditional knitwear used in the production of other collections. Nike has announced that by 2025, at least 50% of the polyester used in shoes will come from recycling. About 90% of the brand's packaging is made of recycled materials. W 2021 roku, dzięki zastosowaniu energii ze źródeł promieniowania, Nike ograniczył emisję gazów cieplarnianych o 44% w stosunku do roku 2020. The main countries where Nike shoes and clothes are produced are: Indonesia, China and Vietnam. The company discloses its supply chain, information on factories and material suppliers can be found at: Over 90% of Nike footwear and clothing is subcontracted, with whom it has been working for over 15 years. Nike has also made a public commitment to ensure a living wage for supply chain workers, but unfortunately has not announced a specific action plan in this regard. Nike conducts social audits at subcontractor factories in accordance with the standards of the Fair Labor Association and communicates their results and what corrective actions it takes. \ Nike supports the sports activities of children and youth and girls with fewer opportunities around the world.
Fot. benjamin poturak, Shutterstock; Nattawit Khomsanit, Shutterstock; yanishevska, Shutterstock
Where to buy?
Online shopping
Stationary shops
W większości galerii handlowych
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