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The brand is owned by:
Dilmah Ceylon Tea Company PLC.
General score:
6.5 / 7
Social responsibility
6.5 / 7
Score table
1.5 / 2
Processing methods
2 / 2
Environmental management
1 / 1
1 / 1
Carbon footprint
1 / 1
Labour standards
3.5 / 4
Social economy
2 / 2
1 / 1
Dilmah is a producer of teas that are made in a more sustainable way. The tea comes from Sri Lanka. The founder of Dilmah, Merrill J. Fernando, wanted to make business friendly to people and the planet. Dilmah tea is grown with reduced amounts of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. Some tea lines for the UK market are certified organic farming. Dilmah Conservation is one of the branches of the company, which aims to mitigate and adapt to climate change and combat biodiversity loss in Sri Lanka. In Batticaloa, located in the eastern province of Sri Lanka, there has been a significant reduction in forest cover in the last century due to unsustainable deforestation practices. Dilmah Conservation has taken the initiative to plant 50,000 cashew crops in Batticaloa annually. Cashew plants are profitable crops, thus contributing to the improvement of living conditions and income of local communities. Dilmah Conservation has so far planted 350,000 plants in Batticaloa and supported the construction and commissioning of an innovative firewood drying facility to reduce wood consumption at Dilmah's tea factories. Another branch of the company is the MJF foundation, which aims to support the poorer communities in Sri Lanka. At least 15% of the company's profits before tax goes to the MJF Foundation. MJF funds plantation workers with allowances for children's education, scholarships, vocational training, medical infrastructure, etc. Dilmah has opened a plastic recycling plant to use some of the plastic waste from the Dilmah tea packaging process to produce decorative and building elements. The Dilmah brand is carbon neutral.
Fot. Good luck images, shutterstock, darksoul72, shutterstock
Where to buy?
Stationary shops
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