Food|Furniture & home accessories|Paper & office supplies|Toys|Clothes & accessories|Beauty products |Sanitary products|Cleaning products|Tourism
The brand is owned by:
Torf Corporation Sp. z o.o.
General score:
4.5 / 7
Social responsibility
4.5 / 7
Score table
1 / 2
Processing methods
2 / 2
Environmental management
0 / 1
1 / 1
Carbon footprint
0.5 / 1
Labour standards
3 / 4
Social economy
1 / 2
0.5 / 1
Tołpa is a manufacturer of natural cosmetics for face, body and hair care. The main ingredient of the cosmetics is an extract of peat and mud - known for their regenerative properties. Most cosmetics are packaged in aluminum tubes, so that the cosmetics retain their effect longer, and the tubes can be recycled over and over again. The cardboard packaging is FSC certified. The jars are made of recycled plastic. As part of its Green Policy, Tołpa aims to achieve climate neutrality by 2030. The company, through education and employee volunteering, contributes to the protection of wetlands of the Izera Valley peat bogs.
Fot. Tołpa
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