Food|Furniture & home accessories|Paper & office supplies|Toys|Clothes & accessories|Beauty products |Sanitary products|Cleaning products|Tourism
The brand is owned by:
Agata Kurek KOKO
General score:
6 / 7
Social responsibility
5.5 / 7
Score table
2 / 2
Processing methods
2 / 2
Environmental management
0 / 1
1 / 1
Carbon footprint
1 / 1
Labour standards
3 / 4
Social economy
1.5 / 2
1 / 1
KOKOworld is a company that in the product descriptions and in the overall description of its activity emphasizes how important it is to respect and be fair in cooperation with material suppliers, people who carry out projects and ready-made clothes. On the brand's website the consumer can find information about individual craftsmen and is able to contact individual links in the supply chain. The brand is included in projects and activities aimed at spreading consumer awareness. Clothes and accessories refer to the geographical regions from which they originate, which should additionally contribute to informing what is the way that clothes travel to our wardrobes.
Where to buy?
Online shopping
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