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Aura Que
The brand is owned by:
Laura Queening
General score:
3 / 7
Social responsibility
4.5 / 7
Score table
1 / 2
Processing methods
1 / 2
Environmental management
0.5 / 1
0.5 / 1
Carbon footprint
0 / 1
Labour standards
2.5 / 4
Social economy
1 / 2
1 / 1
Aura Que is offering products such as bags, jogi bags and scarves which are individually hand-crafted in Nepal using local materials such as buffalo leather (by-product of the Nepali food industry), banana yarn and hand-woven cotton. Each AURA QUE design is brought to life in a Nepalese factory that employs local people associated in the Nepal Fair Trade Group which is a member of World Fair Trade Organisation. Thanks to the cooperation with Nepal Leprosy Trust, the company provides jobs to single mothers and people who have had leprosy previously.
Where to buy?
Online shopping
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